Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.

March 28, 2022

When I first decided on planning a trip to Kauai I wasn’t sure what to think. I was slightly curious about the islands but truthfully Hawaii never really had much of a pull for me for some reason. I guess it just never seemed diverse enough for me from the rumors I heard. So instead I was always jetting off towards Southeast Asia for my island adventures.

But I guess it was finally time to go and explore a bit closer to home, so I decided to go. I really had no expectations. I’d lived in southeast Asia on so many islands and fallen so in love with Bali that I felt a lot of times like other islands just could never compare to the awe I felt and still feel for Bali.

Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.

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But when I arrived in Kauai that first day It was a strange feeling. I noticed it was very much still American. I guess I thought it would be super “Hawaiian” if you know what I mean. But it wasn’t until I spent a few days there that it really sunk in that this island of Kauai was in fact extremely Hawaiian but not in the way a tourist would think. I mean they have chevy dealerships and fancy hotels and fast food places just like LA. that is not where the uniqueness of Kauai is found. Instead what it has that is only available in Kauai is the nature aspect. That is what drops your jaw in awe. That is what makes it “Hawaiian” and that is what makes it like no other place on earth.

Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.
Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.

I feel like a lot of times we traveler bloggers tend to look at the bare surface. We want to bring you the best information about things like where to stay and eat. We want to show you what luxury resorts are there, the best restaurants, entertainment, shopping, and even rental cars. But in Kauai, it was different for me. I won’t be sharing the best resorts or shops. I want to inspire you to explore the nature of the island. That’s where its magic is. That’s where I spent most of my time.

I  hiked in the mud, I hiked in the rain, I hiked barefoot, I hiked cold and at times with blisters because I didn’t pack the right shoes (like these). I dug my feet in the earth, I dug my hands in the sand, I got in the ocean, and sailed the coastline, I climbed cliffs, I drove up the mountains all the way to the top and sat in awe under the trees.

Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.
Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.

It was in these moments that I felt one with the island and truly felt Kauai’s magical energy. It was in these moments I got what everyone was always talking about. I felt like my eyes had been opened to this hidden gem that for so many years was so close to me here in LA. I regretted all those times I chose to fly across the world when such a special Hawaiian island was right next door to me.

I remember this one moment on captain Andys sunset tour sailing up the Nepali Coast just staring at the side of the cliffs thinking…. “Is this real life, these cliffs are so massive, and Is that mile-long rainbow up ahead real”? or thinking “how is this place this green”?

I remember feeling like my eyes couldn’t take it all in. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so small as I did staring at the cliffs of Kauai. But also at the same time so connected with the earth as I did digging my feet in the mud on my hike to queen’s bath to catch the sunset.

Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.

Simply put I fell madly in love with Kauai, not as a tourist but instead, as a human just playing in the jungle. This is why you need to plan a trip to Hawaii, and this is why I won’t be sharing any resorts or restaurants. Instead, I will tell you this….

Bring hiking shoes, bring clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, bring a rain poncho and bring an adventurous childlike spirit. Leave the beautiful silk dresses at home for this trip and climb to the top of every Hawaiian waterfall you can. Because trust me this adventure is well worth it.

Why You Should be Planning a Trip to Kauai As Soon As You can.

This was a post about Planning a Trip to Kauai by Ryan Starr